Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Maintenance


23 15:07:05

Dear sir,
I have a ten gallon freshwater tank that I have had set up for about six months now.  I have one Plecostamus in it and five Danios.  I'm not sure what the water chemistry is I try and put treated water in it.  I just have the tropical fish stuff for treatment (the stuff in the yellow bottle).  I have the fliter system that came with the tank.  I bought the tank as a ten gallon package.  I try to change about 30% of the water every month and the filter, my question is is there anything else I should be doing on a regular basis to keep the fish happy and healthy?  I also have the lighted hood on a timer with about eight hours of light a day. I also feed the danios once a day and the pleco once every other night.
thank you Matthew.

Hi Matthew;

Sounds like you are doing just fine to me! You might want to change part of the water more often, like every two weeks. Vacuum the gravel at the same time.

Your plecostamus might get pretty big for that little tank if he is the traditional type. They get 12 inches long. Do you know what kind he is?

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Chris Robbins

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