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23 15:06:54

Mr robbins i recently bought a little black moore i was just wondering if i bought new rocks for his bowl do i need to boil them or what should i do before puttiing them in his bowl?

Hi Seleste;

If they are purchased from a fish store they are ready to use. Just rinse them slightly to wash away any dust or small particles that accumulates in shipping and storage on the shelf.

You should also know that contrary to common belief, fish bowls are not an adequate environment for goldfish. Most die within a couple of weeks due to toxin build-up and lack of oxygen. Goldfish get up to 8 inches long and are deep-bodied messy guys that require a filter and at least 10 gallons of space per fish. While he is still small you could put him in a 5 gallon, but once he gets a little bigger he will need more room. Change 100% of his water twice a week for now until you can get him a tank. This will keep the toxins down so he can survive a couple of weeks or so.

It really not your fault. Fish stores often don't give people proper care information when they buy goldfish. Or worse, they don't how to care for goldfish either. It's very sad.

Here are some links about care to help you through;

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Chris Robbins

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