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Flower horn sickness

23 13:56:22

My flower horn fish hasn't been eating for a week now.  He
also has some whitish, cloudy eyes.  I have been changing
the water in the tank, but still he doesn't eat.  He's also
not that active in swimming in the tank.  Please help me
experts.  Thanks.

This is a bacterial infection. Water conditions, lack of vitamins, and stress are the main causes for this disease.  Antibiotics may help..also changing his food to food that have vitamins would help also., especially vitamin A. Check your water conditions as the Flower Horn Fish must be kept in clean water...turn off the light of your aquarium while treating your fish, and make sure that your aquarium isn't overcrowded.  
Blindness make occur, and this is caused by poor nutrition or excessive light.  Your best bet now is to get some antibiotics as quickly as possible.  It is a beautiful fish.
Hope this helps