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Regarding feeding

23 11:50:28

Hi. I was wondering if i give my betta 3 pellets or flakes in the morning and 3 pellets or flakes in the evening is that ok? When it comes to pea day how much of the pea should I feed him through out the day 1/4, 1/2, whole pea for the whole day? Thanks Linda

Hi Linda,
I'm sorry it took a little while to answer, something went wrong with my computer.
Feed him 2 pellets or flakes in the morning, and 2 pellets or flakes at night.  Don't give him more because his tummy is so small he would have trouble digesting three pellets  Two meals a day is okay.  Feed him the whole pea at the same time.  Feed him the pea in the morning, and don't give him anything else to eat for 24 hours. This will help him clean out his system, and keep him healthy.
Hope this helps