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23 13:56:22

I have a 30 gallon tank that has been set up for a year with a power filter and an undergravel filter. There are 2 swordtails 3 honey guaramis and 3 rainbows. I would like to keep a Pleco in there to help control algae but they keep dying. Have tried several suppliers and they all turn white and become lethargic and end up dying. I check the water almost daily with everything in norms. Nitrates sometimes borderline high. I also do water changes every week and a half (25%) All of the other fish act very healthy. I have plants in the aquarium for hiding. I have no Idea what is going on. Any help would be appreciated as I am still new to anything above basic 5 gal tank with tetras.

Hi Brian;

If you have them for a couple of weeks or more before you lose them, surprisingly enough, they could be starving to death. Most tanks don't grow enough algae for them to survive on so they end up eating regular fish food with too much protein. Provide cucumber slices, romaine lettuce, cooked peas, cooked green beans and cooked carrots at night for them to feed on.

The plecostomus really needs cellulose in the form of driftwood or bogwood to chew on too. It's important for their digestion and veggies alone don't provide enough for them. Even just a small piece will do.

Some tanks just don't support any plecostomus for unknown reasons. Sometimes it turns out to be dirty spots in the gravel where toxic gas bubbles poison them. Plecos will forage around in areas that other fish don't go and they can stir up nasty spots we don't even know about. Keep the gravel vacuumed and make sure your aquarium decorations are moved occasionally and vacuumed under too.

Hopefully your next plecostomus will do much better...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins