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changing gravel in established tank

23 11:05:39

Hi Jaymie,

Here I am again. This time it is about my 20 gal tank. I have had this tank going for 2 years. Now I would like to change the gravel to another color, and give it a fresh look. I have been given several different opinions. But not from an expert. Some say leave fish in, and others say take old water,filter and fish from tank to another temporarily. Clean tank put in new gravel then put some of the old,water and filter plus fish back. Put in your stress Zyme and your good to go. What do you think? I don't want to mess up the cycle.  Please help.  Thanks


Yes changing the gravel can be done but it is a process. You will want to remove all the fish and place them in your hospital tank. If you do not have one, then get a 10 gallon aquarium and fill it 3/4 of the way with water from the main tank. Actually, I found an awesome website that will help you. This would be faster than for me to type it all out.