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Betta fish is losing interest

23 15:09:56

I have only had my betta fish for about a month but lately his behavior has changed. He normally swims around in his bowl and is very active but now he mostly stays at the bottom. He will get spurts of energy but then go right back down. I noticed happening at night and firgured that he was sleeping or something like that but now he is doing it during the day as well. He is a vibrant red color but the area around his head and gills is becoming a silvery whitish color. Please help me. I want him to stay healthy but have no idea what to do.

Thank you,

Hi Sarah;

How often do you usually clean his bowl?

Do you use a good water conditioner?

What is the water temperature?

What kind of food and how often do you feed?

Does his belly seem fat?

Let me know as soon as you can....

Chris Robbins