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GloFish (zebra danio) fry!

23 11:47:09

I have a 10 gallon tank currently stocked with 8 glofish (Danios) and 2 oto algae eaters. I am in college so school just let out and I was transporting my GloFish back here in a small 1.5 gallon tank for the 6 hour drive. While we were suffering from the long ride however, some of my little danios decided the little tank would be a good place to mate, and now, a week later, I have over a dozen free-swimming danio fry in my little tank. All the bigger fish were moved back in to the 10 gallon, but I like to keep the small one set up in case something happens. I just saw the little buggers today swimming around in the little tank and I'm not sure what to do. The water in the little tank has some kind of weird film on the top so I was going to clean out the water some when I found them. I have no idea how to raise fry. How long until they're big enough for the larger tank with the rest? What should I do with all the new fish my tank isnt big enough to keep? Is there any way to feed them without buying the special fry food? What should I do about the strange film on the water? I did a partial water change when i found them, careful not to scoop any of them up, but will that be enough? I recently had my big tank's water tested and my amonia was high, so I'm sure the little tank has too much of that too. What should I do to keep the water quality passable because the filter and set up in that little tank is pretty cheap? Also, if the two that mated are differient colors what colors with the babies be?


First of congrats

Dont use a normal weak filter as it will suck up the fry but if you can find one use a very very very weak SPONGE filter.
That should clear the film and do paartial water changes every week.

Keep them in the smaller tank until they are the size of the biggest mouth in the main tank.
You can feed them very very finely crushed normal flake food, but dont expect them all to survive as they may not, some times unfortuanly non will survive.

The colours will just be a mixture, there will be some that are the colour of one parent and some that are the colour of the other parent.