Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > pregnant placostamus

pregnant placostamus

23 14:03:14

QUESTION: I think my placostamus is pregnant but I am not sure how to tell.

ANSWER: Hi Tracy,
 Plecostomus catfish are egg layers so they cannot get pregnant as such.  A female may swell up somewhat when she is carrying eggs prior to laying them.  You need to have a male plecostomus present after she lays them to fertilize them or they can't develop.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: my placostamus's belly is enlarged enough that she basically can wobble back & forth.  What would cause this?

Hi Tracy,
  Sometimes a plecostomus will just eat alot, but in that case, the swelling will go down in a day or so.  More likely the fish, unfortunately, has some sort of intestinal infection.  If you can, try to get it to eat some thawed frozen peas.  Many people have told me that this has been successful in cleaning out the stomach and intestine of a sick fish.  I haven't tried it, but it can't hurt.  

-- Ron
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