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Bolivian Rams

23 11:47:09

I have a bolivian Ram that has had pop eye for a couple of months now.  I have tried to treat it with some medicine that I got at my local fish store (sorry not sure what the name was) for 10 days.
It has not gotten better and I though the fish would have died by now.
I would like to know if you would recommend something else of would you suggest uthanizing.
The fish seems to be keeping its weight and eating regularly.
the pop eye is really big, almost the size of a small marble.
Please help :(


Hi Alex,
Popeye is usually due to an injury, poor water conditions, and poor diet could also be the cause.  A lack of vitamins in his diet could cause Popeye.  It is always good to vary diet for fish.  Feeding them quality foods always helps in preventing disease.  Check your water to make sure you have no ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are low.  If your Ram is still eating, this is a good sign.  Some fish who have Popeye may lose their eye, but can live for a long time.  It always depends on what caused it.  It is hard to really know what causes Popeye.  Check your water chemistry making sure that it is right.  Ammonia should be zero, nitrites safe, and nitrates low.  Rams live in acidic waters, make sure your PH is low between 6.0 and 6.8.  If it isn't, adding driftwood to your water may help bring down the PH.  Never use chemicals, as it would only make your water fluctuate which is very bad for fish.
Do a water change, and treat with Maracyn and Maracyn-two combined.  Make sure your water chemistry is right before treating.  Feed him antibacterial food that you will find at the fish store.  Do this treatment for 7 days.  If this treatment does not work, try tetracycline.  Tetracyline will colour your water, and make it browish, which is why I would try tetracycline as a last resort.  Put one teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt per five gallons, and do little water changes everyday, always adding diluted aquarium salt to the amount of water you remove.  The water changes should help him.  Finding what caused Popeye on your little fish would help find the cure.
When a fish is eating, it is always a good sign.  I wouldn't euthanize him unless he stopped eating, and was getting thin, and basically looked unhappy.
I hope the little fish pulls through, and that you will have success with this medication.