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Pregnant femail swordtail

23 11:56:59


Swordtail 1
My swordtail has the usual "black spots" since 17.11.08.  The "spot" has just got bigger and bigger and she is very bloated (have attached images).  I have today put her into a breeding tank as the male swordtail is harassing her.  Can you give me advice on what I can do, if anything.  Thank you

Hi Valerie,

Livebearers usually birth every 30 days, anywhere from 10-30 fry when the mother is younger, to 60-80 fry at a time at the mother's maturity.  You will see the fish swell, and almost look as if she is about to explode.  Finally she will square off from the side and when they get this square look is when they are about to give birth, usually anywhere between 2-5 days.  Unfortunately there is really little that you can do to speed up the process.  She will deliver whenever she is ready and comfortable.  You can try doing 25% water changes daily or every other day or feeding some live foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms, this is the way most breeders prime their fish for spawning and sometimes it can speed up delivery too.

I would advise you to keep 1 male to each 2-3 female swordtails as this seems to alleviate the harassment that the males do to the females.  If there are two, the chasing can be spread out between different females.

What I normally do when my livebearers square off is to put them in their own separate 10 gallon tank with a heater, sponge filtration (just a piece of sponge stuck onto the intake tube) and some plants for security and turn off the light for a day or two.  This way they feel comfortable and they deliver in peace and the babies float down into the gravel.  I remove the mother and put her back in the main tank so that she doesn't eat the fry.  By the next month when she's ready to go back in the fry from the month before are too large to be eaten.

Good luck : ) April M.