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Moving Cichlids 2

23 12:00:49

We have about 20 Cichlids and we are moving from Vegas to Dallas, TX.  I read your answer to the other couple moving from Iowa to TX so I would like to know how many fish should we put into one bucket so I know how many to get?  Thanks a bunch!!

Hi Renae,
  It depends a lot on how large the fish are.  If they are less than about 4 inches, you can probably put 5 in a bucket.  If you want to take the whole bunch in one box, consider getting a cooler.  If you get a styrofoam one, get a large fish bag at a pet store to line the box because styrofoam isn't totally waterproof.   Put some plastic plants in the buckets/cooler to help keep the fish calm.  DO NOT put anything hard or sharp, like rocks, in the buckets, because those things will shift around and could hurt the fish.  

 Ideally, have a battery powered bubbler going to aerate the water. If you can't do that, give them some bubbles every few (5?) hours or so. If it isn't very hot out, they will need less air. If it is hot out, they need much more air.  

-- Ron
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