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siamese fighters

23 14:27:05

hello i have a 1 year old betta splendens (siamese fighter) and i am going away for a couple of days what kind of things should i leave behind for the person i have asked to feed him keeping in mind they have no idea on the subject of tropical fish.
my siamese fisghters is housed in a tank with a surface area of 36*26cm and a depth of 30 cm it has a heater which i keep on 21 degrees there are also some plants.
there is one small broad leaf amazon sword and two bunches of a plant that i am unsure of the name i think it may be floating cabomba as i said i think that may be what it is called.
also he is the only fish in the tank.
thank you in advance for your help :-)

Depending on how long you will be gone, you need to explain the following:

1) How and when to feed
2) How and when to clean the tank
3) Proper temperature level
4) Proper Water Quality (cloudy, green, etc.)
5) Not to touch the fish with bare hands
6) Proper Water level

Luckily, fish are one of the easier pets to take care of. Hope this helps!
