Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Bubble Eye Goldfish

Bubble Eye Goldfish

23 11:58:39

We have recently noticed the bubbleeye goldfish had a thin creamy looking coatingon on eof the bubbles and clusters of what look like whiteish to clear lumps in three spots on his bubble can you advise what this might be and what can be done?

Hi Carrie,

As stated on the 'ask a question' page I really need to know what size is the tank (how many gallons), how long has it been set up, what kind of filter you have, does the fish have any tankmates and your water parameters: ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.  This helps me determine the problem, how to prevent and correct it and the best course of treatment for the fish.

Also, do the white dots look like sprinkles of salt?  Are they white, fuzzy patches?  Ot just slimy white clusters?  Anyway to take a picture and attach it?


April M.