Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Tetras


23 11:30:15

QUESTION: Richard,

I recently set up a 20 gallon aquarium for my son.  He had a 10 gallon aquarium for about a year and did a pretty good job taking care of it with some help from me.  Currently we have three, 1 inch neon tetras, a black tetra about 2 inches long, a Red Hook Silver Dollar Tetra that is about 4 inches long and a Pleco that is about 5 or 6 inches long and a Glass Barb about 2 inches long.  I have been doing some reading and it seems that these fish may not be able to live together, among other things.  I guess I am looking for some advice on how to proceed.  Can I keep these fish together or am I creating a very stressful environment?

ANSWER: Hi Keith

Well first of all, a Silver Dollar is not a member of the Tetra family. Just a little friendly and free education for you. :-)

Everyone should be fine except the Neons. They are too small for the other fish and may become food for them later. However, you have another problem as well....all of your fish except the Pleco are schoolers, meaning they do best in groups of 5 or more. Your 20 gallon is also too small for even one Silver Dollar as well as the Glass Barb. The Silver Dollar is going to grow to 5-7" in length and will take up most of the tank, as well as the Glass Barb who will grow to 5".

What I would do in your case is buy a 40 gallon or larger to allow you to school your larger fish.... the Glass Barb %26 Silver Dollar as well as allow room for the Pleco.

Your 20 gallon would be perfect size to school the Neons and Black Tetra... these two Tetras can live peacefully together. Your bottom feeder in this tank could be a couple of Cory Cats.

If buying another tank isn't an option for you, the only other thing I can suggest is calling around to local fish stores to see if they will take the Silver Dollar and Glass Barb. Most independent fish stores will take them in for store credit. Places like Petsmart and Petco will not.

Whatever you decide, I hope it works out for you. I hope this helps you, good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Richard,

Thank you for your advice.  We are not in a position to get into a larger tank, so I will definitely start looking for someone in the area to help us make the transition to the Cory Cats and take in the other, larger fish.  I also had a question regarding water changes.  Do I need to remove the fish when doing 15%, 25% or 50% water changes?  I never have in the past, but I am trying to make sure that I teach my son the correct way.  Thanks.

Hi Keith

I'm glad to help and as I said, I hope it works out for you.

You definitely do not want to remove your fish when doing water changes. You also don't want to do more than a 30% water change weekly. The only thing to watch out for when doing water changes is small bottom feeders such as the Cory Cats. My Corys sometimes get caught in the siphon when I'm cleaning the gravel. If they do, just lift the siphon up a few inches and gently shake them out.

Hope this helps, good luck!
