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23 11:10:19

I have had my beta for about 3 yrs.  His name is Wally.
Lately he has been acting strange.
Swimming around the tank like his tail is on fire. Not eating much. Sleeping most of the time. What else does he have to do.

Is he on his last fin?? I keep his water changed & clean.

Thank you for your time


 3 years is getting old for the aquarium Betta. What I am not seeing is the use of a heater. Betta's are tropical and need the water to be around 82 degrees especially now that he is older. If he is just hanging out and not doing much it could be because he is cold. As long as he is still eating, has a nice size tank, 25% of his water changes weekly, and warmer water he will probably go back to feeling better. In the right atmosphere Betta's can live 5 to 7 years. I have one that is 6 and still going strong.