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problem with my dwarf blue gourami

23 11:12:02

Hi, so i bought 3 dwarf blue gouramis, and one of them is really agressive and the other 2 have "kicked" him out of their group and so he swims alone, but recently i have been watching him and he doesnt seem to be doing very good, he swims upside down, and looking at him now, he is upside down in the bottom corner of my tank...still alive and alert...just upside down....
he seems to look like he is panting alot too, so i checked my water levels and their fine, he doesnt have ick, and when he eats he eats at the bottom, so his bouency isnt off from air intake while eating. what is wrong with him? if you can help it would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Stephanie

It sounds like it has a bacterial infection which has caused its spleen to become enlarged and makes it not be able to swim upright. There is a disease that is quite common in angelfish and gouramis that is almost like an autoimmune deficiency. I can't remember the name of it right now for the life of me but I will get back to you with the name. It honestly seems like it may be to severe and far into it to treat and cure it. I could be wrong but, want to be honest. Anyway, if you feel you would like top treat it, I would recommend you purchase maracyn 2 and maracide and anminister as prescribed. I would say you really need to contain it by itself due to the possibility of the disease spreading to the other fish. The fish couldve acquired this sometime after its immune system was weakened by high amounts of stressed caused by the behavior the other fish were displaying toward it. Stress alone is enough to kill a fish. I will get back to you with the name of the one disease if you are interested. I've lost a few angelfish to this so, I've been there. Good luck. If you need any more help, feel free to contact me anytime