Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Light belly dark body

Light belly dark body

23 11:08:02

QUESTION: Why do Red Wag females have light colored bellies and a darker colored body?

ANSWER: Darker = pregnant if you mean the triangle inside, and lighter means nothing in the womb.  Black stomach or red stomach depend on what the heritage is, much like people.  I have dark circles under my eyes because I am part Native American...but the rest of me is very fare skinned (Irish).  So, heritage plays a large part in skin coloration of fishes, much like it does in human beings. :)

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QUESTION: So far nothing. No luck. Wish me good luck for the baby fish 'cause nothing's gonna work but a miracle. Do you think that my tank could support 4 platies and a Cory? What are the risks?

If I had 2 red wags and a Cory and 2 other platies then do you think the chances would increase or do I need all red wags?

ANSWER: Hi Manahil,

The risks are death.  The risk is too many fishes in the past haven't worked.

Give it some time.  They will breed. :)

Talk with your parents.  Ask them what they think...maybe they have ideas.

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QUESTION: But you said it is very unlikely for them to breed. My tank is like a small room. I know they hate it in there but I can't get a bigger home for them. It is dirty and warm. Lazy and boring. Nothing exciting ever happens in there.

Awe!  I feel for you.  I don't know that they will not breed.  I don't want you to think your platys you have now won't breed.  There is a very good possibility someday they will.  If there is a male and a female, it is possible.

Sometimes fish are just boring.  When that happens, I change the decorations around and do a water change.

Clean tank, pretty tank, fishes active!