Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > PARROT FISH SEEM TO BE DYING


23 15:10:17

I just purchased a new tank for my freshwater fish .From a 20 gallon i went up to a 45 gallon .
i have a community of 2 blue gouramies 4 parrot fish 2 silver dollars and four random bottom feeders . I canged the tank yesterday waited one day and transferred the fish. roughly 36 hours later 2 of my parrot fish seem to be gasping or not gasping at all and they have drifted slightly on their sides on and off this is going on for the past 2-3 hrs .I have noticed some cloudy substance around the outside of their gills very slight.the parrots are the biggest fish of the aqurium ,and all the other fish seem to be doing fine.
water temp is 79 ,i used stress coat and and ph balance for the aquarium change and the waer seems clear.i upgraded filter .heater and i rinsed everything new thouroughly.i dont understand. i have the parrots for about two years now and no problems can you help me?
I thank you for any advice you can offer .


As best I can tell your fish are suffering from sickness, probably due to the move to the new aquarium. Here is a site with 6 steps of recommended treatment for fish disease.

When you move fish to a new aquarium it is important to put the water from their old aquarium into the new one. This helps them adjust to the new environment more easily without stress.

Hope this helps, and best of luck to you!