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Feeding Guppies

23 14:28:47

Hi, I have recently put a heater in my goldfish tank, because we are heading to winter, so I added a few guppies. I have had a tank of tropicals for a while, aswell as the goldfish, but my guppies always dies in that tropical tank. (I think the bigger fish used to stress them out) So I have decided to try them in the goldfish tank.
Anyway my question is:- can I feed the guppies ordinary goldfish food aswell as blood worms, brine shrimp and cooked peas?

Hey Lea,

The goldfish flake isnt the best idea for them, the goldfish would be better off on tropical flake, then the guppies on goldfish flake. And cooked peas are less nutritious then thawed peas.

As a side note, if the water is lower then 76*F you'll kill your guppies from temperature shock. Guppies need warm water (74-78*F), where as the goldfish need cold water (60-65*F) So, I'd recommend you find a way to settle the guppies in with your tropicals! Hope everything works out for you! best wishes.