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Desperate need for advice

23 14:28:30

I have a male betta that has had fin rot for almost three weeks now.  When I moved back home he got stressed out during the ride and the next morning his fins were all shredded.  His normal home is a 5 gallon cycled tank and he resides there with a mystery snail.  After detecting the fin rot I transferred him to a 1 gallon hospital tank and treated him with Jungle fungus Clear for four days as it recommended.  It stopped the damage so I put him back in the 5 gallon.  He was fine for a week and then it started coming back so again I have him in the 1 gallon tank and am now on the 7th day of treatment.  The fungus clear stopped the fins from getting worse on the 3rd day of treatment and I thought he was doing good, but I decided to do a second treatment just in case.  Before the second treatment I changed 25% of the water like the directions recommended.  Well this morning he was worse and I checked his ammonia and it was at about 1 ppm.  I changed 50% of the water even though the treatment isn't done until tomorrow.  Currently I still have him in the 1 gallon tank and I'm not sure what to do now.  He is still eating good so I am thinking of getting medicated food for him and then I can possibly put him back in the 5 gallon tank which does not have problems with ammonia since it is cycled.  What do you think I should do?  I am just frustrated because he seems to be doing ok and then something else stresses him out and he gets worse again.

Since it seems to be due to a low immune system due to stress, I suggest you also add some aquarium salt to your tank. Aquarium salt is a general tonic and stress reducer. It contains the natural electrolytes freshwater fish need to live happily and healthily in an aquarium. It also helps out gill function as well as promotes disease recovery.

For now, keep him in the one gallon tank and continue your latest treatment. You might also want to do a 75% water change in the 5 gallon tank and let that cycle through the filter for a few days (3-4 to help get it started). This should help the water quality. Also - if this doesn't work, I recommend going to the nearest pet store and buying some Maracyn Two. This antibiotic is a God-send for fish with fin rot, septcemia, dropsy, popeye, and gill disease.

By the way, I applaud you for keeping your Betta in a proper aquarium instead of a small bowl. I'm sure once he gets through this he'll be a happy happy fish =D