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Red Belly Pacus

23 11:30:10

Hello, I have a similar question...I have 2 Red Belly Pacus and 2 Oscars,is it okay to give my red bellies feeder fish? and what is the best food to give them?

Hi Latonya,
 I never feed any of my fish with feeder fish.  Feeder fish all too often carry various parasites that easily transmit to your pacus or oscars and make them sick, or worse.  Every week, I answer questions from people whose fish are dying from eating feeder fish.  Don't do it.    Feed your fish with cichlid sticks or pellets.  If you want to give them live food, use earthworms or crickets, but not feeder fish.  That said, pacus are vegetarian so I wouldn't even give them those things.

-- Ron
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