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Sexes in chiclids

23 14:02:41

I have a 55 gal aquarium w/6 yello and black african chiclids in it. Also in the same tank I have two black african chiclids w/a plump gold parrot fish and two sucker fish.  I am unable to tell the difference in the sexes.  How do I determine males from females and what other fish species can I put in the tank w/african chiclids?  I know the parrot fish does not fear them.

Hello Louis!

Sorry, but the info you have given is not enough to answer the question.

I can think of dozens of yellow and black africans, a dozens of parrot fish, and hundreds of sucker fish. They all have difference ways of being sexed.

I will need to know the exact name of your fish to accurately answer this question. Or, if you can put up a picture of your fish, or even find a picture online of a fish that looks very similiar to yours, and I can identify it for you.
