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Lionhead Oranda

23 13:55:54

My fish has had a growth on the front of his face for 1 month.    I went to a local fish store the first week I noticed it starting and he recommended adding salt to the water and using CureChrome antiseptic for a few weeks.  It has not healed and is starting to get worse.  The growth is white in color, and bumpy.  It has gotten larger and is almost covering half of his face.  I have a freshwater tank with just one other fish.  The other fish does not have any problems.  Your attention to this is appreciated and thank - you in advance for your answers.

Hi Marcus;

Without seeing it I really can't say what it is. If you could get a photo of him and attach it to a followup I might be able to tell. In the meantime, make frequent partial water changes to help boost his immune system until we can get it figured out. Replace 25% of the tank water every two or three days. It will help in healing.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins