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up-side-down aranda

23 15:04:51

Dear Lindsey,  I have a large, beautiful healthy aranda that has been up-side-down for 5-6 months.  I have switched to sinking food months ago and have tried the peas diet, thinking she had gas.  Her belly shape has changed over the course of the last few months.  She floats on the top of the tank with her belly up.  She is in a very tall tank, so I have to feed her in a large net because the food get away from her and goes to the bottom.  I have considered a tumor and gas as her problem, but now her only problem seems to be a bubble that feels like a blister to the touch very near her rectum (if that is what you call it on a fish)

I have considered trying to pop the bubble with a needle.  I would just die if I hurt this precious fish.  She is very healthy, has a great full head, so she is getting enough to eat.  She get so excited when I put the net in the tank, because she knows it is feeding time.  I can hold her and turn her right side up.  I have tried to rub the bubble and get it to move or pass on out.  I know she is a female, because she has laid eggs twice, but not in a while.  Could she be egg bound?  What do you think this might be?   Do you hae any questions for me that might help you guess.  Is there such a thing as a fish vet?  Please help,
Thanks,  Vicki  


I'm so sorry to hear about your oranda!  It's hard to believe she's been upside down for so long without righting herself.

All I know to suggest is the peas again.  Thaw five or six frozen peas in a glass of warm water and crush them between your fingers so the skin breaks and the fish can eat what's inside.  This will almost always cure constipation, if that's what's bothering her.  I honestly don't know what to tell you about this bubble/tumor thing without seeing it, though.  If there's any way you could send me a picture of it, I'd love to take a look at it and see if I can diagnose better that way.  If this is possible, please let me know and I'll give you my e-mail address.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but if you can send pictures, please do!  Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.
