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synodontis longirostrus/longirostris

23 14:46:35

Hi Ron, I live in Ontario Canada. A pet smart recently opened in my area. Obviously a "pet store". I normally buy my fish from strictly aquarium stores. I bought a fish from them a few months ago and the label was wrong and the fish was actually a decorous. Yesterday I bought a fish labeled as above, sm 4-6". I prefer the small ones.When I got home and checked the fish on the sites I use,the fish listed as up to 20", which is totally unacceptable for me. However the fish in the picture did not look at all like the fish I have. I read on other sites that pet smart is not the best place to buy fish since they do incorrectly label thier fish, as happened with the decorous. To make a very long story short, are  you familiar with the above fish at all?
Thank you, Donna

Hi Donna,
 Unfortunately I am not too familiar with Synodontis.  I can assure you that PetSmart is even less familiar with those fish than I am so I wouldn't trust whatever was on the label.  

-- Ron
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