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angelfish were killed please help!

23 11:25:58

i have a 55 gallon tank with 2 blood parrots,3 high fin tetras,and 1 angel. today i went out and got 3 more angels ( i thought since everyone is still young it would be ok) at first they were being picked on a little,but i thought the others just had to show whos boss. anyway, i turn off the light 4 about half hour,then i turn it back on just to check on things and to my horror 2 of the new angels r dead, 1 with half his face gone and the other with his eyes gone!!! i havent stopped crying. i just want to know who did it? everyone says that angels r aggressive but they dont kill,and that the parrots dont do much but chase so im so confused! im about to give up my fishtank! i cant find a good family of fish that wont fight or kill each other! btw my big parrot has been chasing the other endlessly thats 1 reason i got more angels (and i love them) to distract him. i dont know what to do,im running out of money ( 4 sure) and pateints and im tierd of being so sad and stressed. is there anything i can do to have a happy tank? and do u know who the killer is? please help

Hi Katie,
 My guess is that the larger blood parrot attacked the newcomers.  The parrot cichlid would regard the new fish as interlopers into his territory and so he had to get rid of them.   
As far as "everyone says that angels are aggressive but they don't kill" -- "they" are wrong. An angelfish can kill another fish just as any fish can kill another fish.  It depends on motivation, not on which species the fish is. Same for parrot cichlids.  Fish get territorial and if something new comes into their territory and they can do something about it, they will. If you think of things from the fish's point of view and not from a human point of view, you will be a more successful fishkeeper.

-- Ron
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