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Oscars hole in the head

23 15:01:20

Hello, I have a 90 gallon freshwater tank, and in there I have two oscars, both about 5-6 years old, one silver dollar, and one catfish. Within the last month I have noticed that my oscars have hole in the head disease. At first, I thought they may have had a fight so did not worry, until it got much worse. If I can not get ahold of Dimetridazole or metronidazole from my vet , then what else can I use for the more advanced case of hole in the head, will malafix work as well? If treatment does not work then what? Thank you for your time.

Hi Sherry;

There are several causes and many possible treatments for HITH so it would be hard for me to pin it down in your particular situation. I will give you some good web pages to check out and the profile page of a volunteer cichlid expert that can probably help you more than I ever could. It is very important to keep the tank water very clean and avoid overfeeding. Replace 25% of the water once a week and vacuum the gravel every 2 to 4 weeks. High nitrates caused by infrequent cleaning and/or overfeeding are related to HITH. Also, feeding nutritious food is important. Many experts believe that malnutrition is a major contributor. Here are some links;

Ron Coleman's profile page;

I hope they feel better soon......

Chris Robbins