Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > flowerhorn female

flowerhorn female

23 11:44:00

QUESTION: i got a question my flowerhorn wont eat and he is so lonely, i got a 90 gallon fish tank divided into 2.  one side i got 3 blood parrot and an oscar and the other side the flowerhorn.  i have to divide it , because she would attack the blood parrots, my question is, wil my flowerhorn die and i see her forehead is develeping a hump and she got a kind of bloated tummy and i have her in there for almost 5 months and she is big like 6 inch

ANSWER: Hi John,
 Flowerhorns do not get lonely, people project that emotion onto the fish.  She is perfectly fine in there as far as not having a mate.  The bloated tummy is something to be concerned about. That could be a result of poor diet or poor water quality.  Be sure that you are doing regular partial water changes.  I recommend changing 25% of the water, once a week, every week, to keep your fish happy and healthy.

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yeah, i just figure out what happen to her, she has a whole in her head and now im treating her with metro, it has been 4 days and she still dont want to eat, i follow the instruction on the package and now i dont know what to do, can i feed vegetable to fish

Hi John,
 Yes, you can feed vegetables, e.g., zucchini, to fish.  Many fish like vegetables. Just be careful that you remove uneaten bits of vegetable from the water, or it will quickly rot and foul the water.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>