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Female betta picks on my neon tetras

23 11:20:33

I have a ten gallon tank with two juvenile iredescent sharks a small pleco and four neon tetras. I had to separate my female betta due to her fin nipping, eating eyes and then ultimatley killing them off. I began with seven tetras now im down to four. She is a deep blue color and is two inches. What is causing her to behave this way? I took her out of the tank and put her in a half gallon betta tank. I dont want her to be lonesome and people always seem to suggest that neons will make a good tank buddy for a betta. Do i really have to keep her all by herself?

Hi Monique,
 Are you sure that it is a female betta and not a male?  Does it have long fins?  If so, it is most likely a male. Even if it doesn't, it might be a male.  Very few if any fish make good tankmates for a male betta.  They don't like friends (and he won't get lonesome).  Male bettas are highly territorial.

-- Ron C.
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