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Betta Question

23 13:56:50

My daughter received a male betta fish for her birthday 6 months ago.  He was given to us in a small bowl without any information on how to care for  him.  I've never had a fish before.  So I did some research and bought him a 3 gallon tank with a heater and thermometer.  I keep his water temp at 80 degrees.  Up to this point, I haven't been using a filter.  I have been doing complete water changes once a week - cleaning the gravel, the 2 small plastic plants and the inside of the tank.  I add a water conditioner after the full water change.  Is that okay or should I be using a filter?  I seem to be reading conflicting views on this.  Also, pretty much every room in my house is very bright.  We have lots of windows and get lots of natural light.  Is that okay for the betta?

Hello Victoria,
You have been doing just fine, and I am very glad to hear you bought him a larger tank, as most people keep their betta's in tanks that are much too small, due to common misconceptions. Betta's do not need a filter though, unless they are in a tank with other fish - which I would not recommend unless you have a much larger tank, since betta's are very territorial and will need some space if they are to be housed with other fish.
You have been changing out the water once a week, so that will be fine. The natural light won't harm your fish at all, and as long as he is not near a window where he might overheat from the sun it is fine. He should have a place to hide if he does need to get out of the light, however, and just make sure it is plenty dark at night so he can rest. Fish don't have eyelids so they need almost complete darkness in order to sleep - and yes, they do sleep. (Or more, go into a sleep-like state)
Keep up the good work, and again good for you for doing your homework :)