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advice on algae eaters

23 11:21:17


I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 black skirt tetras, 3 red minors, and 3 peppered cory cats. I also have 2 live sword plants. I have green algae growing on the side of my tank and on the fake plants and I'd like to get a/some fish to control it. I have been debating between a couple of otos and a bushy/bristlnose pleco. We are beginners in the keeping of fish and need the hardiest and easiest fish to take care of. What do you suggest? Thank you so much for your advice.

Hi Michelle,
  You could go with either, but do not expect the fish to completely "take care of" algae. Every aquarium has algae. It is a normal part of every aquatic system and is found in every healthy aquarium.  Do not attempt to create a "sterile" aquarium -- that is actually much less healthy for fish than a tank that has some algae in it.

-- Ron C.
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