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fish eggs

23 11:04:27

Hello i am wondering what fish eggs look like i have a fish that had a big belly when i went to bed and now it is small but i cant find the babys or the eggs? not sure of what kind the fish it but i know that it is a tropical fish. It is orange on top ,white on bottom and with a black strip down the center of it's body

Crystal,  I am sorry from the description you gave me I am not sure what she is. You can always send me a pic. As far as what do eggs look like?. They come in all shapes and colors. Some are clear some are yellow, even red. Some they drop into the rocks...this is called scattering, some they find a spot and stick them to a plant or even your filter tube sometimes. I can tell you if you are tropical alot of them are live bearers like your mollie's, platy's, neon's, danio's. Most of your tetra's are egg layers. Eggs are quickly eaten most of the time. If you can't find them just wait you never know a baby may pop its little head out in the next ten days., Good Luck, Tina