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Whats wrong with my betta

23 14:10:40

I have had my betta for about 2 years now and he's been extremely active until recently. For about the past week he hasn't been eating, sitting around the bottom of the tank, the color around his face is very pale and almost a grayish white color. His tank water stays at 75 degrees F and I thought the discoloration on his face might be a fungus infection. I bought LifeGuard All-In-One Treatment by Jungle and have used it for the past two days. I'm not sure what else to do, any ideas?


Hello Kristina,
What size tank do you have him in? Anything under one gallon is not acceptable. Also, make sure you are doing regular water changes. At least once a week, and tap water dechlorinator is a must as well.
Also, you may want to consider that he is very old. Bettas - opposite of goldfish - have short life spans, around 3-5 years best. Though I do have a step sister who had hers for seven years, this is rare.
Whether he is old or not, just be sure to take good care of him.