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Bala Upside down

23 14:22:21

My Bala was fine then within minutes it was floating upside down seems to have no corradination.I added some new fish dojo, rainbow shark, pictus cat and a large oranda. Can an injury cause these symptoms? and if so what is the
prognosis. He was in a 125 tank. I have put him in a 30. To prevent futher injury He seemed to be crashing into things when he tried to swim. He is approximately 7"

How long was it after you added the new fish? Orandas are extremely dirty and it is possible that from the high ammonia level they put out, it sent the bala into shock. They are very sensitive fish, and moving him to your 30 gallon will only make the problem worse.

I doubt any of your other fish injured him, as none of them are very aggressive to anything that doesn't fit in their mouth.

If you get a bala again, or if this one pulls through, you need to remember to do regular partial water changes...once a week or once every two weeks changing 15-25% of the water should be good. Good luck with the one you have though..