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Peas for Beta Fish

23 15:06:43

Just finished reading one of the posts where you suggested feeding betas green peas for digestive purposes. Would you explain this a bit more? I feed Gomez the Beta Gold pellets, but would like to supplement with something more natural for him if possible. Also, what is the best water for Betas; distilled, spring, or tap that has been chemically treated? Have been getting different answers. Many thanks!

Hi Becca;

Many fish, including some bettas, don't tolerate dry foods very well. Especially if they are the kind that floats. They contain air that gets into the belly of the fish and/or the food is too dry once it enters the belly and they can't digest it properly. This causes constipation. Sometimes too, the fish can be overfed to the point it becomes constipated and gassy. Feeding peas acts as a laxative so the fish can pass waste again. It isn't a complete diet, so you still need to feed a balanced pellet or flake food. I've also seen it happen when their water is too cool. Their digestive system slows down and they get indegestion. These problems can all be fatal in fish.

Bettas love foods like frozen, live or freeze dried worms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, etc. These are very good for bettas. Combined with the basic diet and peas ocassionally, he will be in good shape. I would say feed basic food 4 or 5 days a week and the 'treat foods' the rest of the time.

Just use conditioned tap water. Distilled water is missing vital trace elements, and bottled water sometimes has additives to prevent bacteria growth. Tap water is so much easier to use anyway.

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