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Velvet Treatment

23 15:06:09


I have been treating my betta for a little over 2 weeks for velvet.  He is getting better but still has a little around his gills.  I have been having trouble getting the water much higher than 74.  I was wondering what to do now.  I don't want him to become resistant to the meds.  Any info would be appreciated.  I have ordered a heater that I can regulate.  I hope that will help.


Hi Paulette;

The heat treatment should take care of the rest. Parasites such as ich and velvet really hate high temperatures. Get it up to 85 degrees very slowly. They also hate salt. Using aquarium salt at a dose of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon helps weaken the parasites, but helps the fish with stress and healing.

Make plenty of water changes too. If his tank has no filter change 100% of the water once a week. With a filter, change 25% weekly. Parasites are opportunists so they attack when fish are weak. Dirty water, cold water and other stresses will be perfect times for them to attack.

I hope gets well soon.....

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