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fuzzy betta

23 15:06:10

I have read your other beta answers and learned I need to make some changes.  I appreciate your thourough and educated answers.
My son recieved a beta for his biirthday about 10 days ago.  He is in a small conatainer and I realize now he is too cold.  I have changed his water completely about every three days  after treating it with Beta Water Conditioner and letting it accomodate to room temp.  This morning he is surface breathing and covered in a whitish film, not too active. He has not been eating well either.
Our last beta lived with us for 2 1/2 years and we adore them.  Can this one be saved?   


Hi Summer;

Thanks for your support, I really appreciate your kind comments. ;-)

Put the fish in a very warm place and put a light or a heating pad close to his bowl to get the temperature up. It really needs to be 82 to 85 while he is sick. Fish Fungus hates heat. Also, get a medicine called BettMax if you can find it at the local fish store. Fungus Cure or any other fungus remedy are good if you can't find any BettaMax. The most effective are those that dye the water a bluish, goldish or greenish color. Neutroflavine, Acriflavin, Methylene Blue, Victoria Green or Malachite Green are some ingredients that cause that, so look for them on the product labels and choose one that describes your fish's symptoms the closest.

I hope he feels better soon....

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