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Medicating my Tank

23 15:10:55

I have a very large Pacu, a very large male Jake Dempsey and a catfish. The tank has been set up for over 1 year with 4 bio-wheels and 2 large bubblers.  The chemistry seems to be ok.  Jack seems to be gasping for air yesterday thought he did not surface and his eyes seems a little buldging. I am an alarmist with my fish however. I recently lost a beauiful red Devil so I pulled the carbon and did the first night of Metlyplex. When I pulled the carbon the tank became totally dirty and I cannot even see my fish now but the medication says to keep the carbon out. I kinda need so direction now. I can't loose my fish! Thanks!

Hi Nicole;

You need a hospital tank for the sick fish. The bulging eyes indicate an internal problem, perhaps an infection. Use Maracyn 2 by Mardel or Kanacyn by Aquatronics.

Treating in a hospital tank provides fresh clean water for the sick fish and avoids having to treat all the fish in the main tank. It isn't good to treat healthy fish. If the disease is contagious, it also helps the others from being exposed to the sick one any longer. Get a minimum of a ten gallon tank to use. Fill it with water from the main tank. Make sure it has a heater but, no gravel, and no filter.  Only an air pump with an air stone for oxygen. Change 50% of the water daily while you treat him.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins