Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Aging


23 11:31:33

I have a questions about Beta fish. I have had a tank for quite some time now and I think I should maybe try adding the dang fish ;)
But how long does a Beta fish live on average? I am very busy with my first job and school and extra courses and if it can last like say 7 years or something crazy like that, then I really cant have one.

on average they last about 3 years, not a very long life, but i know that they can live longer is treater very well..but i doubt as long as 7 years..

they are also easy to care for

is your tank tropical though? they need a tropical tank, but it doesnt have to me very big..i would like no less than 5 gallons but people use smaller, its your choice

they also dont have to be fed everyday, they will survive a few days, but i would again advise you feed him everyday, and you can only have 1 male per tank (just incase you didnt know)

they do seem to get ill easily though