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Leaf Fish

23 15:02:27

I recently added 2 leafish to my 80g tank.  The guy at the store said to feed them ghost shrimp.  My leafs are very small (the shrimp are larger than one) I am currently giving them frozen bloodworms.  What else can I do?  I have only feed frozen, flake or fresh veggies, never live foods to my fish.  I am also having a hard time finding any info on this type of fish.

2 adult Angels, 3 adult silver dollars, 3 clown loaches (about 3 inches), 2 leaf fish (1-1 inch & 1-1/2 inch)

Hi Crystal;

Wow..... they are tiny. You will have to try baby feeder guppies if they aren't eating anything else. They are predators and will not eat at all if they don't get something live. According to some info I have read, they also have to be alone because they are terretorial.

Here are some links to more info on them (searched by scientific name);

I hope you can these poor little fellas to eat. If you can't get any small enough feeder fish, you may have to try live brine shrimp or live tubifex worms. It will at least keep them alive until you can find what they need.

Also make frequent water changes. They need very good water quality. I would replace 25% once a week. Vacuum the gravel every 2 to 4 weeks. Your other fish will appreciate it too.

Hope it all turns out okay.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins