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goldfish is worrying!!!!

23 14:24:08

my goldfish just started acting very strang today. i have had the goldfish for almost 2 weeks now, and all of a sudden its like it cant stay down at a regular float. he floats to the top and then looks like he struggles to get back down. when the fish stops moving his tail end starts floationg up. im have checked the levels in the water. i have no idea what to do. should i seperate my fish from the other one i have in case of disease?? please help.....

Hi Kim,
 That definitely sounds like the fish is having a big problem with its swim bladder (the organ that some fish have to help them maintain buoyancy).  Exactly what is causing the problem is very difficult to determine.  Sometimes it is bacterial. Other times it is aggression from another fish.  
 Separating the fish might help, but there is no guarantee.

-- Ron
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