Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > How long?

How long?

23 13:59:28

QUESTION: How long is the gestation period for a mickey platy. And could you tell me how far along my fish is? The vent area is a light reddish sort of color.

ANSWER: They gestation period is between 3-5 weeks.

It varies so much between fish, it is impossible to tell exactly how far along a fish is in pregnancy. Even with a detailed picture. There are so many variables. As you get to know your fish you will get to know the routine.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is there anything I could do to ensure that most of the fry survive?

ANSWER: Move the mother to a separate breeding tank or a floating breeding trap.

Put in a bunch of java moss and feed the fry 3 times daily.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I put her in a separate tank that is about 5 gallons. Is that okay?


Now make sure her water stays clean, and provide PLENTY of hiding places. Remember, the mother can and will eat the fry if she gets hungry, so make sure they have places to hide. At least 1/3 of the tank should be so densely planted that you can not see all the way through it.
