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pscars eggs

23 14:43:37

I have two Oscars in my tank, i notice there were eggs on one of the lava rocks. How do i care for those little ones?Because i think when they are ready to come out of the shell i am afraid the will be eaten.And i would like to save them.And how long before they are ready to come out?

Hi Ola,
 The good news is that you don't have to do anything. Oscars are generally great parents and if the eggs have been fertilized they will hatch in about 4 days.  At that point they will be "wrigglers", which can't swim.  They stay that way for another 4 to 5 days and then they become free-swimming fry.  Only at that point do they need food.  You can feed them crushed flake food, or better yet, get some frozen baby brine shrimp to feed them.

-- Ron
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