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plecotamus move

23 14:37:13

Hello....I have an eight inch plecotamus in a 39 gallon fresh water tank that I wish to move to another tank. How should I go about moving him? Is he difficult to grab with a large net?


Hi Ralph,
 The first thing to prepare is the room.  There is likely going to be some splashing so protect any paper/electronics in the vicinity -- I have a few large cichlids that get the ceiling wet when I try to move them!!!
  Netting him won't likely be a problem.  More likely he will stick out his pectoral fins (the ones on the side) and get stuck in the net.   
  The least traumatic method would be to get a CLEAN (never been used for anything) 3 gallon bucket, put that in the tank, and maneouver the fish into it.  

  Most importantly, don't rush and don't panic.  He can be out of the water for 5 minutes or more so don't rush and make a mistake or trip or something like that. Be prepared for splashing.

 Best of luck.

-- Ron
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