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Is it really hard?

23 13:59:17

Hi Chris! I am a new pet owner of a comet goldfish! I really have wanted a fish. I also have had bad luck with fish, so this time around i will try not to kill within a few weeks. I have read a lot of websites about how to take care of goldfish and every website I have read makes it seem soooo hard. I have time for my fish and responsibility, I was just wondering if it is really as hard as they say it is to take good care of a goldfish? Also, today i tried giving my fish lettuce and frozen peas. It did not work. the lettuce just floated on the top and he kept spitting out the peas. Is that normal? Thanks for reading this and i can't wait to read your reply.-- April

Hi April;

If goldfish have plenty of room, good filtration, 25% of their water is changed weekly, and aren't overcrowded or overfed they can pretty simple. Goldfish can be difficult to care for if they aren't set up properly. So, get started off right and it should not be a problem. Goldfish need at least ten gallons per fish so your one goldfish should be in a tank that is 10 gallons or larger with a power or canister filter. Change 25% of the water and vacuum the gravel once a week, every week.

Your goldfish may not know what peas and lettuce are at first because he's probably never had them before. Veggies are meant to nibble on anyway and are left in the tank for several hours so your fish can do that. Goldfish also spit out food a lot as they forage and especially when they try new things. Keep trying and also cut back on regular food so he isn't already stuffed and becomes totally uninterested in his veggies. Regular food rots almost immediately so don't leave any leftovers of regular foods like pellets and flakes. Veggies are different and don't rot like that because they are mostly fiber.

Here is a web page I recommend for information on keeping goldfish healthy and happy;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins