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Ballon Monster

23 13:55:55

I just recently bought 2 balloon monsters from the pet store, and one of them won't leave the other one alone it's constantly attacking it but none of my other fish. Why?

Hi Bailey;

I've never heard of a "balloon monster". I assume you mean to say "Balloon Molly". Male Mollies are interested in breeding constantly and that's probably what is going on. The male is probably the one doing the "attacking". He's simply trying to breed with the female. Mollies have live babies about every 6 to 8 weeks. When keeping mollies it is best to have at least two females for every male. That gives the females a chance to get a break from the male from time to time. He can wear out one female to the point that she gets sick and dies. Also provide hiding places in the form of rock caves and plants for the females to hide in. They also need a large enough tank, at least 20 gallons, in order to have enough room to swim, hide and grow. In too small a tank they may not be able to get away from each other as needed.

Good luck...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins