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my fish are not eating

23 14:37:01

I have a 29 gallon  aquarium and i have 5 fish in the tank. three parott and two red bellied pacu. The fish are not eating i try to feed them and they just let the food fall to the bottom of the tank.

Firstly, I hope you understand that Pacu will very soon need far bigger tanks, as they are very similar to piranhas. They may feel stressed because of lack of space.
Feed them a variety of food such as bloodworm, brineshrimp and daphnia, although unless they are quickly moved to a bigger tank they may not start eating properly.
Parrot fish are hybrids and cannot close their mouths properly. If they are not a very faint pink colour then it is likely they have been dyed. Not your fault of course though!

Best wishes,