Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > I have a paralysed betta

I have a paralysed betta

23 15:05:14

I had a disaster this week when I overdosed the tank with water conditioner. Anyway, I have done my best to correct that by lots of water changes, and all water tests are looking good. But the day after the overdose happened, I found that my male Betta's fins were clamped together as though they are stuck. He is swimming but dragging his stiff fins behind him. Again, can this be a direct result of the water disaster, as it says on the conditioner bottle that it puts a protective coat onto the fish. Is it the overdose of the conditioner that stuck his fins together, and if so, what can I do to help him?

I have seperated him from the rest of the fish by means of a breeder net until I can acquire another tank. As he can't swim so well, at least I can make sure that he's safe from prospective fin nippers, and fed. I've been feeding him a little frozen live food every few hours, which he takes. He has no physical signs of illness, and is as alert as ever, it's just that his fins that won't work.

Please can anyone advise me what to do to help him, and could the water conditioner overdose be to blame? Or is this a common thing that happens with Bettas? He is only about 9 months old and my tank is 5 months old. Before the overdose he was a happy little thing, swimming and feeding with the other fish.

I would really be grateful for any advice that you can give.

Hi Carole;

I apologize for not answering your question sooner. The AllExperts system wouldn't let me answer anything last night!

Using extra water conditioner isn't dangerous really. I've had to use large quantities of it in emergencies and it isn't a problem. Just keep him as warm as possible so he can have a good chance of recovery. It's possible he didn't handle the water change very well and went into shock for some reason.

If you have had him for 9 months he is likely almost 2 years old now. When you buy them in the stores they are about a year old. Their lifespan is 2 to 3 years so he may be getting to be a senior citizen now that just needs more heat and extra privacy to recover.

Hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins