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rocks for new tank

23 15:05:15

I am setting up a new tank for my fish and decided to buy new rocks. I got some beautiful purple rocks, but after I rinsed them I noticed some horrible smell in my hands. Is this ok? Is there anything I should know about rocks before I buy them. Are there harmful rocks?
I am affraid to put them in the tank and kill the fish.

Thank you for the help


Hi Elvira;

If it's gravel for the bottom of the tank made to use in aquariums then it is safe. I think I know the smell you mean. It's from the epoxy resin that the manufacturer coats the gravel with. It does smell kinda bad when it's new. Look on the package and see if it says "epoxy coated" or something to that effect. I've used the stuff for years with the same ugly smell and it has not harmed my fish.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins